
I help high-achievers like you to release blocks and align with what you truly desire in your life and business.

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Episode 7 A+A podcast: Upgrading your Beliefs in Business

Upgrading your beliefs in business - it's a conscious choice.

Let's look at our beliefs and how they impact us. And consider which beliefs we might like to upgrade - and how we can make the conscious choice to do that. We can look at what our beliefs are without getting drawn into it, without overthinking it, without judging ourselves. We can look at the belief and we can identify that it's not working for us anymore.


Maybe it's something we've picked up from the past. Maybe it's something we learned in childhood. It's something that we learned from a parent or another significant adult in our lives. Maybe it's something we've picked up earlier in our career, maybe when we worked in a different industry. Maybe we've even picked it up from our peers in our current industry.

Whatever your beliefs are right now... You can totally change them.



Let's dive in.

First of all, I'm going to ask you to think about what is actually possible for you in your business. When...

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Episode 6 A+A podcast: How do you align with your ideal clients?

How do you align with your ideal clients?

This is one of my favourite topics and something I've been supporting my clients in since way back in 2009 when I started my business.

I have a great free resource that supports this podcast episode. How To Align Your Energy To Attract Your Ideal Clients is a 75-minute free workshop over at I totally recommend you download and schedule in some time to listen.

Let's explore your ideal clients...

We need to get very clear on who these ideal clients are.

You might think I'm talking about niche, and I'm not exactly talking about niche. I'm certainly not saying, "Oh, look, it's fine if you can work with anyone and you can help them with anything". I'm not saying that at all. It is very important and very useful to have clarity on who it is that you best work with. What we're going to explore is going to help you get clarity. If you have no idea who your actual niche might be and you would like to get more clarity on that,...

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Episode 5 A+A podcast: Should you create something new in your business, or do you need to simplify?

Do you need to create something new in your business, or do you need to simplify - and how can you even tell?

I'm going to share a personal story, but first of all, I'm going to ask you to think about your own business, and what you're creating at the moment. When you think about what's coming next for you, are you thinking about adding something to your business, creating a new service or a new offering, or are you thinking about subtracting? Perhaps completing a course that you offer, or narrowing down your focus so that you only have a certain number of offerings moving forward. Perhaps letting go of old blog posts or letting go of old videos. I'd love to hear what it is that you are focusing on.

The natural response is: I'm going to create something new.

I'm going to invite you to do a little bit of reflection, and at the end of this, you might decide, "Yes, I am going to proceed with this new thing that I want to create," but you might've also given yourself the chance to have...

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Episode 4 A+A podcast: Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster in Business


Are you ready to get off the emotional rollercoaster of business?

This is something we can all relate to - getting attached to our business and experiencing highs when things are going well in our business; new clients pop in, or you receive some great feedback, you've been offered an opportunity... And then feeling low, or feeling down, annoyed or irritated, if something less than great is happening in your business. You've had some cancellations, or unsubscribes, or a launch didn't go so well. Or, you put out a certain email, or something didn't go as well as you expected on social media...


We can find ourselves feeling up when things are good, and feeling down when things are bad.

 Look, it's completely understandable.

But let's talk about about how can we get off of that rollercoaster, and actually have more choice about how we respond to what are often inevitable things that are going to happen on a day-to-day basis. And have a higher level of well-being,...

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Episode 3 A+A podcast: Dopamine and Business Alignment

Dopamine and business alignment is about looking after the basics as we create and grow our business.

Even though these things are basic, we can easily set them to the side and deprioritize. If you haven't found out already, you might find out in the future that they can create problems. Let's tackle this head on and, if you need to create a plan to improve the basics, I'm going to help you do that... So, let's get into some emotional theory.

What's happening when we have those moments where we're overreacting - or going into brain fog?

You know, when our brains just don't seem to be functioning as well as we would like them to. It's a state of overwhelm or like going into an extreme or high emotional response in relation to our business... That's why I'd like to talk about dopamine - and how we can use basic ways to look after ourselves to improve the dopamine levels in our body and our brain. Which then leads to our brains working better!


Let's understand the three parts...

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Episode 2 A+A podcast: What is Business Alignment and what might your aligned business look like

What does business alignment actually look like, and what do I mean when I am talking about business alignment?

I'm going to take you through a model that's going to help you to think about the different aspects of your business and to consider whether you feel like those aspects are in alignment with you and are in alignment with the business that you really desire to create.

As we're going through you might find yourself thinking about other people's businesses and particularly mentors or people you admire. You could use that as an example when we're going through the different aspects and think, "Okay. So that's what that could look like."

That is not intended to be a comparison; do it if it is a source of inspiration. Remember, what is an aligned business for you is going to be completely different to an aligned business for somebody else.

This is what I'm really all about; giving you permission, if you need it, to say, "Hey, this is what I really want. This is what I...

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Episode 1: Introducing the Align + Attract Podcast

Welcome to the very first episode of the Align + Attract podcast.

I created this podcast for you. This is a space for you to come and have this really warm, lighthearted, fun chat with me about your business, and specifically about your business alignment, because alignment is my thing. And it is how I grew my business right from the beginning.


I started my business back in 2009 as a Kinesiologist.

I worked with clients face-to-face in the Melbourne CBD. I did not have any background in marketing or business, and I was also pretty shy. So growing a business is certainly not something that came naturally to me. What I did have was the skills that I had as a Kinesiologist. 

I worked on myself to create alignment in relation to my goals and what I was trying to create in my business; to help me to attract more beautiful clients, to help me to continue to grow, and it worked really beautifully. I did attract really wonderful clients who got really fabulous results and...

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