Grit is a theory by Angela Duckworth which looks at what causes successful people to be successful. We explore it further in my workshop on upgrading your mindset. Register now:
Grit is all about how you move towards long-term goals and what you do when you face challenge or adversity. Angela found that passion and perseverance are key - more important than intelligence or talent, and also reminds us, like in Growth Mindset - even factors like intelligence are not fixed and can grow.
For this episode of the podcast, I focused on three ways I sometimes see clients use their grit in the "wrong" ways... burnout anyone?!
Let's dive in...
I wonder if you'll relate to any of these.
Think about how you use your Grit, and if there are any tweaks you want to make.
In the episode, I share 3 things to do about it - watch or listen to hear what they are.
Remember to sign up for my Mindset Upgrade webinar here:
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