Episode 154 A+A Podcast: From Big Dreams to Aligned Results: How to Bridge the Gap Between Your Vision and Reality

From Big Dreams to Aligned Results: How to Bridge the Gap Between Your Vision and Reality

Setting big goals can feel really inspiring or totally intimidating, especially if you don’t have any idea exactly how you’re going to achieve that goal.

Big goals can definitely ignite growth, but achieving them requires alignment, clarity, and momentum. Because I work with so many successful 6, multi-six and 7 figure business owners, I get a lot of insight into what it is that causes people to achieve their goals - and what blocks us too.

Today we break it down and look at how you can turn YOUR big dreams into aligned actions. I have a handy worksheet to support you to do that right here

In this episode, we will:

  • Clarify your big goal
  • Break your goal into milestones
  • Focus on strengths
  • Find your aligned pathways
  • Plan how to celebrate your wins


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Work with Kerry in her Mastermind.

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Setting goals can feel really inspiring or it can feel totally intimidating. Today, we are talking from big dreams to aligned results, how to bridge the gap between your vision and reality. I feel like I am so well placed to talk about this right now. If you follow me on social media, You might have noticed I have hardly posted in 2025 and yet behind the scenes, things are going so exceptionally well.

In my business. I have now a sold out mastermind, which I may expand my capacity for, but as it stands, I have 15 exceptional business owners in the space and I am loving working with these women. This really is a dream come true for me. I wanted to have a mastermind in my business for a number of years and I had to work through so many mindset barriers and also a lot of practicalities and logistics in as well as really figuring out exactly how was I going to ensure that the women I was working with in this way were going to be able to create really solid results in their business. I am also working with, I think it is 10. beautiful retainer clients. And those clients are predominantly working with me twice a month. And then also in Slack. And then there are a couple of people who are working with me once a month in this retainer model. And this year, I have been onboarding some of my new clients, particularly new people who are coming into the mastermind and setting all of my clients up to have a really wonderful year.

Now, this dream that I have created in my business has been quite a long time coming and yes - it has led to a substantial increase in my income. So believe me when I say I know what it's like to have a big dream and feel like It's almost a bit of a fantasy, or it's going to be really hard to get there, or there are so many steps to create what it is that I really desire, because let's be real, there were there were pricing decisions, I completely changed the way that I work with my one to one clients from a practical standpoint and had to really bring those clients who felt aligned with this new approach into this way of working with me. And then all of the pieces that went into creating the mastermind. I'm not going to lie. It was a lot of work. So when I hadn't yet achieved this, and I was looking ahead and desiring it, I was right. There was some work to do along the way. And yet, sitting on this side, oh my gosh, it is so worth it. Here's the thing about big goals can feel really inspiring. or totally intimidating, particularly if you do not have any idea exactly how you are going to achieve that goal and

I get to have a lot of conversations about big dreams with my clients and also with peers. And to be clear, sometimes these are the same people because some of my peers are also my clients. In some cases, I'm working with people who have had the same big goal for ages. Perhaps they have the million dollar business and they just either have the 3 million business or they've got the 500k business and they want to create the million dollar business and then we're looking at people who might be more likely to be in my mastermind. Perhaps they have The sub 100k business, but they desire to create the 300k business or the 800k business. Sometimes there can be a really big gap from where somebody is right now and what it is that they desire to create. Here's the thing, the big goal is not the problem, but problems can certainly arise when we don't align our actions with that goal.

We're going to be talking about some of the really common problems that I see during this episode. It's going to be very practical. It's going to be very actionable for you, and we're going to be talking about what it is that I see that we need to put into place so that we can have the big dream, and we can also set ourselves on a path where we really know that we are taking decisive steps towards that goal. And we feel really confident about this pathway that we are on, rather than feeling like this is some kind of Fantasy, and I'm stuck in believing I am just going to manifest it. The things that block us, yes, they can be mindset, they can be money blocks, but they can also be practical, tactical, strategic. I am always interested in the holistic view. The energetics, the alignment.

In this episode, I'm going to give you some really actionable strategies that are going to help you to align with your ambitious dreams and the practical achievable steps that are going to help you to get there.

I have created a worksheet for you for this episode. Which is going to help you to break this down. And so I'm going to be inviting you to think about your big dreams and then what is going to be required of you from more of that strategic standpoint in order to create what you desire. So I recommend you download that: alignandattract.com/dreams

Let's dive into the power of big dreams. I love it when somebody is able to share their big dream with me. I find big dreams really inspiring and motivating. Sometimes we can find that we're hitting up against this initial barrier and I have spoken about this in previous podcast episodes. I will link those episodes in the show notes (see above). If we're not able to clarify exactly what it is that we want, of course, it is really difficult to create that. So if you're stuck at that. please listen to the podcast episodes I have shared with you in the show notes after this one.

When we're talking about a goal, people often say to me, is this a monetary goal? What kind of goal is this? Because we have businesses, money is often going to come into it. And so there is likely to be a monetary aspect to your goal. And then are we talking revenue? Are we talking profit? Are we talking income? A lot of the times when we are creating these kind of goals, we are talking revenue. And we equally know revenue is not the whole picture. I, we all totally understand that, but just for ease, we are talking revenue.

Once we know what that money goal might be, why do I want that? Why am I actually doing this? What is my motivation? And this brings into play. What does success actually look like for me? Because what looks like success to one person can be completely different to what success looks like for somebody else. And we don't want to be borrowing somebody else's dream. Sometimes we might say, I want the million dollar business as one example, but when we start to go deeper into it, and particularly the practicalities of it, which we're going to be talking about in this episode, we can realize we actually don't really want to do those things. We don't yet have a pathway to creating that million dollar business. We don't really want to do what's required and want to get really honest with ourselves around that. It also can be that it's a someday goal, but it's not a right now goal in this particular season of your life. It just may not be what your priority is. So we want to be clear on what are my priorities in this phase of my life and how does that translate into what I desire my business to be? We have such a privilege when we have our own businesses to be able to make these kinds of decisions and then align our other decisions with that in terms of what it is that we actually do in the business.

I wonder: as you're thinking about this big goal, how much does it really matter to you? Is this just a goal that you're putting out there, and if it happens? Great. If it doesn't happen, never mind. Or, do you really care about it? It can also be the case that we're setting a certain goal because we're like, I just need it. And I totally get that. I understand sometimes we can be in that space of necessity, but as a primary motivation, it doesn't always work. It doesn't always work in a way that creates sustainability. It is more likely to mean we'll do whatever is required and therefore create some side effects, including burnout, that we really might not enjoy.

I do find sometimes when I'm working with my clients, as I mentioned before, we can have these bigger, loftier goals that are quite a distance from exactly where we are right now. So we might say, I would love to create a business that turns over 200k a year, for example. And then if I say, okay, great. How much is the business making now? Someone might share with me, Oh, it's about 1, 000 a month or 3, 000 a month. Or their goal might be the 800k business. And when I say, okay, great, how much is the business making now? Might be, Oh, about a hundred thousand dollars. Now this in itself is not really a problem, but then if I'm asking you how are you going to achieve the goal? And then you're saying, "I have got no idea." Or, "I feel like I'm missing something. I must need to learn something new. I think I need a new strategy."

Maybe it's identity work. Maybe it's visibility. Look, it can be so many of these things, but in and of themselves, thinking there is going to be some kind of secret that we are going to land on and that is going to lead to us dramatically growing our income. It's really not what I see to be the case.

So Dreaming Big is definitely not the issue. But we want to bridge that gap between your current reality and your vision. This can go the other way as well. I can sometimes work with a client and let's just say they're making 8, 000 a month. And again, this would be more likely to be a mastermind client and I'm like, okay, great. What's your goal? And they'll say 10, 000 a month. And this is not a problem, but it's likely to lead to us making incremental changes, doing. a little bit more. We're not necessarily going to find the motivation in that goal to think differently about how it is that we could actually scale our business.

And yes, of course, the 10k might be the next step within that. But if we're doing things in the exact same way that we have been doing it, we might find that achieving our goal. Just leads to us being more maxed out. So we want to make sure there is a big enough gap that it challenges our thinking and it calls us into thinking bigger.

We want to be able to get excited about the smaller milestones along the way, the actions that we need to take, the habits that we're going to be embedding, the behaviours, the strategy, and really seeing this as a journey and ensuring that this goal that we have becomes about who it is that we get to become along the way, how we are showing up along the way, and also who we are, really knowing that we can enjoy our life along the way. For most of the people I work with. Whatever the size of their business, it is somewhat of a lifestyle business in the sense they are not going to scale it to a certain level and then sell the business. And so it can really be faulty thinking to assume.

I'm going to work really hard now, but in the future, when I have achieved my goal or when I'm closer to my goal, I will scale back and I won't be working so hard. Again, that's really not what I see to be true. So we're really looking at the strategy today, and I'm going to take you through a process of thinking strategically about exactly how it is that you feel really inspired to achieve this bigger goal and we're starting with clarifying the goal, then breaking the goal into milestones. Next, we're focusing on strengths and how you can apply that to achieving your goals. We're looking at the aligned pathways. This is really the how breaking it down into what does this look like in terms of offers, numbers of clients, and What is this going to look like in a practical sense?

And then we are looking at celebrating wins along the way because what I know to be true is that many entrepreneurs can find it really difficult to celebrate. the smaller wins. We can stay quite focused on what it is that we're trying to create. And then even if you do create it, you don't always celebrate anyway.

You just move on to the next goal. To be clear, the goal is not the problem. Really it's about how it is that we're going to be approaching the goal and ensuring that our approach is aligned with us creating what we most desire. And this is also about the energetic shifts that you need to make in terms of believing that it's possible and showing up in the ways required and it's about the strategy that you're going to use to bring this dream to life. So I hope you are feeling excited about this. And I want to share with you now, some of the common issues that I see, like what blocks people from being able to. Achieve their goals. And as I'm going through these, and I'll go through them fairly quickly, I just want you to notice, has this come up for you in the past?

Is it a risk that you could go into this? And as you are thinking about that, you can make the decision, oh, I'm not gonna do that, or I'm going to do it differently this time. So number one. There's no milestones or there's no smaller goals. And so we have that bigger goal, but we haven't actually broken it down and so then it can be really difficult to know where to focus now. The risk is we get really overwhelmed and we're not focused today. We're not focused. In this moment on the actions that we need to take to achieve those smaller goals, and then how that is going to lead to us creating the bigger goal in time.

So we can feel stuck, we can be in a state of inertia. And when we don't actually create those smaller goals that then give us clarity and what it is that we're focusing on. Now, and as I say, our actions are then often not really aligned with our goals. I do find that for some of my clients, the reason why they don't do this is because they feel like the smaller goals can feel really boring.

Let's just say your goal is to create the 250, 000. business. That level of revenue. And you are not yet making 10k months or you're not yet making 5k months. But then if I suggest that to you as a goal, you can be like, oh, it just feels so boring. And here's something I hear very frequently. So I wonder if you're gonna resonate as well.

I feel like I should have already done that. Our smaller goals can feel boring. And they can feel annoying because we think we should be past that. We don't want to focus on 5k months because we think we should already know how to do it. Or we think we do already know how to do it. And then it's very frustrating that it's not actually happening and so this is an opportunity to flip your thinking and to really bring your brain on board here into understanding if I want to achieve the bigger goal, And I want to get excited about achieving the bigger goal. That means getting excited about achieving the smaller goal. And so when your brain tells you, Oh, this is boring.

Oh, you should have already done this. It's really cancelling that thought and going, do you know what, I haven't achieved it yet. I mustn't know how to do it yet because I haven't done it yet, or I'm not doing it consistently yet. And now I'm going to get excited about doing that. And then that brings a very different energy to the actions that you are taking. This is how we build momentum. You can still work towards the 5k months or the 10k months with Your eye on the bigger picture and where it is that you're moving to. And if you do that's going to mean you're more strategic in your decision making because you're not going to create a business that is going to cause you to be maxed out at 80k or 100k because you know that's not the end goal for you.

So you can hear how helpful. This can be to have the bigger goal, but then also bring it back down to the smaller goals. So we're wanting to identify what are the smaller goals that are going to add up and break it down. And then you're wanting to create a plan, a process, a system, habits, steps. Whatever you decide is required, it's going to help you to achieve that goal.

You can use my worksheet in a moment. So if you haven't downloaded it, you can do it now. alignandtract.com/goals. The second problem. I can see when we're not achieving our goals is we are not utilizing our strengths. So we might be doing what we think we should do, what we can see that other people doing and we're not really focused on what's best for me. What's easiest for me. We might think something like, Oh, I have to. I have to focus on social media. I have to focus on growing my business online rather than focusing on what you actually enjoy, what you're good at, and what you are willing to do over a long period of time and this is the alignment piece. When it comes to utilizing your strength, something I am often talking to my clients about is strengths they have utilized in the past. This might be in a past career. They have had or In past achievements that they have been able to create, such as in sport or the arts something outside of a work sphere where they achieved success. And when we're able to look at What success was I utilizing, either in the past career or in this different sphere? And how was it that I worked towards creating those achievements? When we map that across, that's powerful. And I've done this with so many different people with so many different past strengths examples are event management, being a consultant. Having a science background, being a teacher, a dancer, a tennis player, so many different examples of ways I have seen my clients map across past strengths and then utilize these strengths more consciously in their business. And it makes a huge difference.

The next block I can see is really not having a pathway. You don't really know how it's going to happen. It's magical thinking. I might say something like, I just want it to be easy. I don't want to work too much. I know I just need to focus on the goal, not the how, but That might work for some goals, it might work for some kinds of manifestations, but I really don't see this to work in business. For my clients who have created seven figures, multi seven figures, I don't hear them say, gosh, I had no idea how I was going to do it. It just happened. And if they are using that kind of languaging, you could reverse engineer it and you can see.

It was inevitable because of the strategies that they were using, the actions they were taking, the specific ways they were scaling. It didn't just magically happen. It was actually pretty predictable based on, the past evidence that you're able to point to. So remembering that it doesn't just happen if you don't like the idea of strategy, you don't like the idea of creating a strategy. Change the way you think about it. Really see this as being something that's fun, it's inspiring, it's a tool you can use to create success. And a strategy is what you decide your process is going to be. If you are someone like me, who really loves the energetics, who's very intuitive, these things can be part of your strategy. But they're not going to be the entire strategy because you also need to think through the practicalities and you also need to look at systems and processes. It's not just the energetics that's going to create the outcomes. The final block that I can see is just a total misalignment with action. So we're just not taking the effective action that is going to lead to the goal.

And here I can see people say things like I don't want to do social media. I don't want to do ads. I don't want to do lives. I don't want to do events. And they're so focused on what it is that they don't want to do. And then they're just hoping that someone's going to magically pluck a solution out of the air for them, or that they are going to download some kind of magical solution that's going to overcome all these things that they don't want to do. And here, the invitation. I would always make is, what am I willing to do to make this goal possible? I'm going to stop focusing on what I don't want. What am I willing to do? What do I want to do? What does feel aligned and effective for me and focus on that? Let's dive in now to the practical steps that are going to align your big goals with reality and here, we are working through the worksheet. If you're out on a walk, if you're listening in your car, you can just think through your answers. You might go back to the worksheet later. If you're sitting at your desk and you're like, I'm going to use this session like a session with Kerry please work through your worksheet right now.

Number one, I want you to clarify your vision. What is your big goal? And why does it matter to you? And as I said, the big goal is likely to have an element of revenue because we are focused on our businesses. I'm not saying this is your entire life goal, but in the context of your business. What's the goal? Why does it matter? Allowing yourself to really feel into that. What else is important to you here? in relation to your values. So please don't go into, but I don't want to do this or, not this way. Instead it needs to what? So as an example, I'm creating a million dollar business and it's going to be in school hours. One of my clients has this goal actually and this is quite common for a lot of the people I work with, actually, that there are constraints. There are conditions as to how this goal needs to be created. It doesn't mean they are saying, Oh, I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do that. They're focused on how they want it to work, does that mean that we will never work outside school hours? I predominantly work school hours. Do I sometimes work outside of school hours? Yes, I do. So that's fine, but overall, what is the goal? And this really reminds me of this quote from Mel Robbins in the five second rule, clarity is the antidote to anxiety. When you know what you're working toward, you can focus your energy on meaningful action. So that's what I want you to focus on here. It's creating that clarity, clarifying exactly what you want.

Number two. Now we're breaking down the goal into milestones. When we break down our bigger goals into these smaller, actionable goals or milestones, we're able to reduce our overwhelm and then we can feel a sense of confidence that I know what I'm focusing on next. And this might be the monthly income goal, which is more incremental. It might be around the number of newsletter subscribers that you are working towards. It might be around attracting the next client or the next five clients. It might be a specific launch goal, the 5k launch, the 50k launch. You can also have a goal that is more around a process. It doesn't have to relate to a number like these initial examples. The goal could be I'm creating this particular new offer. Or I am attracting my first paying clients for a new offer. You might not like the feeling of the pressure of, yeah I need to get this certain number of people into this new offer because it might build over time. Often when we're launching something new, we're learning so much, which we can then apply to future launches or launch activities or sales activities a smaller interim goal might be the number of sales you get for a low cost offer or the number of people to some kind of paid masterclass. Or the number of people to a free masterclass, the number of downloads per episode for your podcast, the number of the downloads in one week, finding those smaller goals, which you know, are going to add up to a bigger picture.

It's going to be really unique to your business, but I would love it if you could come up with some of these shorter term goals, which you know, are going link to that bigger goal that you are working towards ultimately. And a lot of this is going to really translate into your habits. You think about newsletter subscribers.

It's not like you sit down and one day, right? This is my task. I'm going to attract a bunch of newsletter subscribers. Instead, it's more like a process. It's more like a habit. It might be, I'm going to post about. It could be I'm going to be creating an ad or I'm going to be hiring somebody to create an ad for this purpose and then optimizing it, the habit might be the checking on it, optimizing it where required. And so ideally, of course, we want to be setting up processes and systems that once set up, they are able to run. This is going to be like one of the things that we are looking towards creating. And so James Clear in Atomic Habits, he says, big dreams are achieved one small step at a time. Focus on what you can do today, not everything you have to do tomorrow. And I love that reminder. I'm going to read it one more time. Let yourself just really receive this. Big dreams are achieved one step at a time. One small step at a time. Focus on what you can do today, not everything you have to do tomorrow.

Number three. Now we're moving into leveraging your strengths. When you use your personal strengths, that leads to a more aligned and enjoyable life. process. I wonder if you have done the StrengthsFinder test, the Gallup StrengthsFinder test. I have done it. It is really helpful. My number one strength is strategic. I have shared this on a previous podcast episode. You can either buy the book, Now Discover Your Strengths, and then you get a free code, or you can pay. To get the top five strengths or to get the bigger picture of all of your strengths. That is one example of a strengths test that is out there and there are multiple different strengths tests, but doing some kind of. survey or a quiz and gathering information about your strengths can be a really useful way to bring them into your conscious awareness so that you're then able to use them more proactively. And Marcus Buckingham, who wrote, now, Describe Your Strengths, says, You grow the most in the areas of your greatest strength.

Invest in what you are naturally good at. It's your unfair advantage. And I love this because so often we can focus on what we think we're not good at and how it is that we're going to improve that. But if you can get really clear on exactly what you are good at and lean into that. Of course, we may need to mitigate those weaknesses.

We may need to hire for certain weaknesses. We're not going to ignore, certain aspects of that business. Cause we're like that's not my strength. I'm only working in my zone of genius these days. A lot of the big leap. We're not going to do that. But also, we're going to use that unfair advantage we have connected to the strengths that we have and this is going to be things that you are complimented on, things that you know that you're good at, things that you've identified. in tools like the Gallup StrengthsFinder test. And you're going to think about how could I further utilize those strengths in my business in ways that I haven't yet. And then As I spoke about earlier, I would also love you to go back to the past and think about those strengths that you have from your previous careers, it could be to do with the ways you led a team, project management, skills you learned in corporate, in your previous job. It could even be in a casual job that you did before your previous career. I'm making an assumption here that a lot of us had previous careers, but I do find that to be the case for a lot of my clients and then of course, you might also have those examples where you achieved something you You've studied something or you did really well in your field of study. You won an award. You achieved some kind of recognition in a different field, such as in sport or the arts or somewhere else. And I want you to look at how you're using the strengths now, and I want you to be making some notes on your worksheet, or at least thinking about this and how you can translate it. This can also include things like times in the past that you optimized your nutrition or your movement or your way of thinking about something because you're working towards that goal that mattered, that you really cared about the way that you approached a project, the way you set up systems.

So look back to the past. And find those examples, and then consider how could I map those strengths across so that I can use them really effectively now in the present. So what you're noting down here on your workshop worksheet is the particular strengths that you know that you have on a personal level and looking at how you could use them. And then you are also looking at strengths that you honed in the past, either in your career or in some other area, and how it is that you could map those across into your business. At this point, you might just take some notes and allow this continue to percolate.

Number four. Next, I want you to focus on creating your own aligned pathway. We all know that success is not a one size fits all. You are listening to a podcast about alignment. This is really something I talk about in different ways all the time. It really is about creating a pathway that is very aligned with you and with your goals, with your values, your strengths, your priorities. And what I would like you to do here is to start to play with some numbers, to play with some pathways. So let's just say you have that bigger goal and it's 500, 000 or it's a million dollars. Annually, and then it's got these other conditions around it.

How do you see that looking? What are some of the possibilities? And when we start to look at this, particularly if we have not done this in the past, we are going to expose some gaps in our thinking. And in our strategy, because we might realize, Oh my desire is to create low cost products and to sell them via ads and I want the million dollar business. Now, is this possible? Sure. I am quite certain you could find examples of people who are doing this right now, but then you start to run the numbers and you think, Wow, I would need to be selling this many of products of this price point per day or per week or per month, and that is a lot of people. And then you start to think about the ad cost of that and then how those ad costs can change. And you might realize that is not necessarily going to add up. Does that mean you're not going to run any low cost offers? No, but you might realize that's not going to be the entire strategy.

The same thing can happen if you've got a higher cost offer and you think, okay, I'm going to scale, for example, my master mind. But then as you start to look at it, you're like, wow, that's going to equally mean working with a very large number of people, even at that price point. And. We all know that it's very likely that you're going to achieve those bigger goals with a, a unique approach that matches.

Your skill set and your strengths, but as you start to look at the numbers, you're going to Find pathways that do feel more aligned for you than other pathways Some of us are going to find it far easier to scale at Higher price points and some of us are going to find it easier to scale at lower price points And it is pretty likely you are going to still have a span of price points.

So I really encourage you to start to look at this and to allow it to feel motivating, inspiring, to look at different models, different approaches, different opportunities. You might, through doing this work, discover, Oh, I'm missing. something in my business at around about this kind of price point that would really make sense.

And you can use that as a springboard to think about what could that be? What would I most love to create that would be in the world of that price point and would be an exceptional match for my ideal clients would be an exceptional match for clients I already have. So we can really use this to spark our thinking and to help us to think more strategically.

Finally, number five, we are going to want to track our progress and to celebrate our wins. Celebrating small wins really builds momentum and it reinforces this It's this belief that we have that I achieve my goals and I love it when my clients really anchor into this belief and seeing themselves in this way and we do this by focusing on and achieving smaller goals. If you find you are someone who does not want to set small goals or doesn't want to set specific goals because you feel like you never achieve them, you want to change that. You want to make the goal smaller. You want to turn the goal into something that you can achieve and then build from that point because we want to create this identity of you being someone who does achieve their goals.

Please do not keep hitting your head up against a brick wall if you are not feeling like this is true for you right now. Make the goals smaller and build belief in my mastermind. We have a culture of celebration. This is something we bring people into when we are onboarding them into the program and what we really encourage people to do in this space is to reflect, and what they've done in the previous month to find the wins and to acknowledge the wins and then to let us know in the group exactly how they plan to celebrate the win. Now, what happens when I ask people to do this is quite predictable and people will say, gosh, I'm not really used to celebrating my wins.

And then they'll say, I'm not really used to speaking about my wins in a group. And then they'll say, I don't really know how to celebrate a win. So if you're having any of those thoughts, this is entirely normal. And this is exactly why we do it, of course, because we want to create this practice and we want to create this habit that I am tracking for what I'm doing, I'm tracking for what is going well and what it is that I am achieving. And then. I am putting a celebration around that. So in this section here on your worksheet, I would love you to start to note down exactly how would you plan to celebrate some of the wins that you have, wrapped up in a goal. So when you achieve one of those goals that you listed earlier in the worksheet, what are the options for how you could celebrate that? Again, we can get caught up thinking it needs to look a particular way. We think we need to buy ourselves something expensive or this celebration needs to take a particular form.

It needs to be, really grand or, we've just got ideas about this, but this really. That's just a made up story. Your celebration can look however you desire it to look. It could be taking yourself out for a pedicure. It can also be the case. Oh I do go out for pedicures. Anyway, that's great.

This time, when you go for the pedicure, you're going to associate it to achieving a specific goal. And you're going to think about achieving that specific goal. And you're going to feel that sense of celebration, really recognizing yourself for what you did, how you did it. That's what makes it a celebration, so making sure you are jotting down some of your ideas for how it is that you might celebrate people in the mastermind have done things like buy themselves a book. Take themselves out for a massage, book a special dinner, take time out of the business, give themselves an afternoon off, spend time pottering in the garden, spend time doing something that they would otherwise view as being essentially a waste of time, but they really enjoy doing that thing and they give themselves permission to do it.

So it can take so many different Oh my gosh. So we are at the end of this episode and just to remind you of that process that you are going through. We're clarifying our vision. We're breaking our goals down into milestones. We're focusing on leveraging our strengths, creating our own aligned pathway.

We're tracking our progress and we are celebrating our wins and You're recording this and the worksheet that I provided for you at alignandattract.com/goals. You don't need to do this perfectly, but allowing yourself to think in this way and to spend time. Thinking about these questions is really going to be so incredibly supportive of you.

It can really help you to change the way you think about achieving your goals and it can make achieving those big dreams feel so much more achievable. So much more likely it can help you to bridge the gap between your vision and reality. I hope you have loved this episode. If you have, please do share it with a friend.

Please do consider leaving a review and I will look forward to speaking with you next time.

Please note: this transcript has been only lightly edited for clarity so please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors.



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