Episode 135 A+A Podcast: How DO you grow your business? A conversation about growing past 6 figures into Multi-six.

How DO you grow your business? A conversation about growing past 6 figures into Multi-six.

What DOES it take to scale? Why do so many people get stuck moving towards or around 6 figures, and what causes other businesses to grow past this level, into multi-six, 500k or a million in revenue.

You can’t just work harder!

After thousands of hours working with hundreds of entrepreneurial clients - I have cracked the code. I've downloaded a whole new system called my "Scale Blueprint." In it, I outline 8 different elements in your business that can be a point of scale.


I created a (free) training for my Scale Blueprint to describe each area and identify exactly what could help YOU scale your business. You're going to love it! Grab it now: http://alignandattract.com/scale

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How DO you grow your Business? Your Podcast Transcript.

Our conversation today is about growing past 6 figures into multi 6 figures.

This is such a juicy conversation. It is a little bit different to what I typically talk about on the podcast, but I think it's really important that we do have this conversation. A lot of the people that listen to my podcast and are in my audience are these beautiful healers, creators, leaders, coaches, and spiritually oriented business owners. 

I see this to happen a lot that if you're able to grow your business and to achieve some level of success and to attract clients, what can happen is you can get stuck or cap your income at a place just before 6 figures like at 70,000 or 80,000 or at around about 6 figures or maybe a little further beyond. And after working with 100s of entrepreneurial clients over the years across thousands of client hours, I've recently gotten really curious about this particular transition point.

Why do so many people get stuck moving towards or at around 6 figures? And what causes other businesses to grow past this level into multisix to 500,000 into 1000000 in revenue? You can't just work harder. And what I see to happen at around about that 6 figure or pre 6 figure level is that if you've been successful, what that looks like often is working with a lot of 1 on 1 clients. And you might even be quite maxed out with 1 on 1 clients.

Then if you add things like courses that can actually take away from 1 on one time, it might not necessarily add a lot of revenue to your business for this reason. And the other thing that I see is that you can push to grow and then have cycles of burnout or ill health or realize you need to take a step back. And that in itself can cause you to stay stuck at a certain income level because you make more money, but then you kinda need to recover.

Of course, it's essential to support yourself with the right beliefs. The energetics. I've been talking a lot on the podcast about business energetics, and I have been loving hearing your feedback on those episodes and alignment's key, healing, what comes up for you as you're growing. All of these are things are essential. But beyond that, I got really curious about what does this transition point look like structurally?

What are the points of scale? What are the the leverage points that can cause you to actually then take that step to a new level. And a lot of times, the type of client that I'm talking about, it's not like money is a core driver. It's definitely not. And if you focus on the money, you probably feel like that never works. So this is not really actually about the money per se, but it is around sustainability and it is around being able to do the work you love over a long period of time. It's about being able to have time off without it causing you financial stress. It's also around being able to have a little downturn in your business and for that not to cause some kind of financial crisis for you.

That's where the problem can be. If the income level that your business is sitting at does not provide you with a buffer, it does not allow you to properly save and invest outside of the business, then it's not very sustainable over the longer term. And it's not really serving you over the longer term unless for you, your business is able to have more of that hobby quality because you get your financial security from elsewhere in your life. So there's no judgment on that either, but I'm really speaking to people for whom they're making more money actually would really benefit them. Like, it would actually really support them energetically as well. 

Of course, it's always gonna come back to impact wanting to be of service. It almost feels to me like that goes without saying. Because for the people I work with, that always comes first. There is this desire to have a sustainable business and to have success, but that like, it goes hand in hand with those other pieces. It's never running the show. It's never the point of making ever decision that you might make.

Sometimes what I will see when we're wanting to make that transition is that you might not even believe that it's possible, or you might look at what other people are doing or other people in your industry and then you think, I know they're successful, but I don't wanna have to do that. Or it might be that you look at their circumstances compared to yours and you think, well, I've got young kids or I've got this health issue or I actually need to take care of my parents in this particular way or something else.

When we are investing sometimes at this level, we might do a course to learn something new, or we might learn a new modality, or join a program. But it might not actually really make the difference to your business growth because you don't really know what you don't know. So it can feel a bit like throwing spaghetti at the wall and trying to figure out what this point of scale could possibly be.

As I was really reflecting on this and asking these kinds of questions and specifically, why do so many people get stuck moving towards or around 6 figures and what causes other business to scale, to move past this level into multi 6 to 500,000 to a 1000000.

What landed for me was something entirely new. It's a whole new system that I've downloaded, and it's called my scale blueprint. I'm gonna share the actual blueprint with you. I've created a training, which is for my private clients about how to work with it and how to think strategically about your points of scale.

I'm going to share that actual training with you. And what goes along with the training is a Google doc that I've created that shares this blueprint, and you're able to make a copy of that document and edit it and use it to really identify your own points of scale and create a plan about how you're going to achieve it. Like this is so incredibly helpful. It is so incredibly practical, and I really have tossed and turned a little bit about should I genuinely be offering this for free because this is, like, my IP. This is such gold. It actually makes it so clear exactly where your gaps might be or where your opportunities are. And you could use what I share in this training to make tens of 1,000 of dollars, maybe more.

So I'm going to share where you can grab the training and then I'll outline it for you. So it's alignandattract.com/scale. The reason why I decided I would share it is because I just felt like this Scale Blueprint has got so much potential for impact and to change so many lives that I just wanted to share it with you whether or not we ever work together. But if we do end up working together, this is one of the tools that I would be using to support you.

This blueprint consists of 8 different areas or elements within your business and what scaling in that particular element might look like. So this is not a list that you're gonna work through and tick off. It's not something you move through step by step. Instead, it's a blueprint which is going to help you to think strategically to look at what you are doing well, and to find those gaps, to find those opportunities, and to make the right decisions for you and your business about how you want to scale. And there's an acronym that I use within the scale blueprint, and it's BBN SCOMP.

I'm going to share with you the 8 areas. I go into more depth about each one and the specifics of what this can look like in your business inside the training and the Google Doc that goes along with that training. So you're going to need to download that to get the the full picture. But let me take you through this blueprint. The BBN SCOMP.

Are you ready? The first point of scale or point of leverage is around your body of work. So this can be a real distinction between somebody in your industry who is at one level, and then that individual who's able to break through and really step into their leadership, their authority to have that body of work that becomes known. To have their own unique thought leadership. This is one point of scale.

Number 2 is your brand. By the time you get to 6 figures, you might already have a strong personal brand where this can be a point of scale or leverage is where you are repositioning yourself or you are creating this visual up level and creating more cohesiveness and alignment within your brand if that is something that has been lacking. And it can also become a point of leverage if you are wanting to attract a different client group or a more refined client group such as if you are really moving into high end and that's the group of clients that you're wanting to work with, that's where brand can be a point of scale.

Number 3, network. This is about the people that you've got around you, the mentors, the peers, the support, the mastermind, the groups, the events you're attending, the conferences that you are going to. All of these things can be a point of scale or a point of leverage for some people because of the people that you are connecting with, mixing with, that you're then collaborating with, associated with, being supported by, and supporting.

Number 4. Systems. When you're wanting to move from, the type of business that might have a lot of 1 on 1 clients. It might have a lot of processes that are done by you in a bit of an ad hoc manner. When your hands are touching everything in the business, you are going to max out. And a point of scale can be bringing in the systems and processes that allow you to scale. Those systems and processes are not always in themselves going to create the scale, but in some instances, you will not scale without them because you're not going to be out able to outsource or to outsource effectively or to outsource at that next level that you would actually need to be able to do in order to scale. So it could be everything else is actually working amazingly, but you're maxed out because of all of this admin that you're doing and the way that you're doing so many processes manually and changing that could free up your time and energy to make new decisions in your business.

Number 5. Clients. First of all, being very clear at this point of time in your business exactly who it is that you're working with, and the problems that you are helping your clients to solve and being very clear on the ways you're helping your clients to solve those problems and to create the outcomes that they really desire, potentially looking at subgroups of clients within your business and being clear on how it is that you are selling to those subgroups and what it is that you are selling. Clients can be one of your points of scale.

Number 6, offers. Ensuring that you've got 1 or more offers that can scale. Considering new offers that better meet the needs of your clients or more robust offers that really take your clients through a transformation over a longer period of time. Group offers is a lot to unpack within offers.

Number 7, marketing. To get to around about that 6 figure mark, you might have been able to rely on certain kinds of marketing. And around about this point might be where you are needing to uplevel your marketing so that you can grow your audience, That you can sell to colder audiences. Not just sell to people who already really know, like, and trust you.

And finally, number 8, pricing. So making pricing adjustments where appropriate. Having, like, pricing alignment across the different offers within your business. And in some instances, this might look like moving into more high ticket pricing or this connects back to offers. If you do create a more robust offer in your business and then you are pricing that appropriately, that can become a point of scale within your business. So that's the outline. And then within the document, within the training, I really help you to see how to think about this, how to make decisions about which of these elements can be a point of scale for you.

I'm going to give you a few examples to bring this to life. The first example is myself, and it's when I was first moving into 6 figures, which was around 2012, 2013. My points of leverage were, first of all, brand. I had my first professional photoshoot, and I had, like, a really nice website that showcased those photos. That positioning at that time for my clients elevated me in the market. This is not something that everyone else was doing. Could you today go and have a professional photo shoot and that be the thing that sets you apart from, I don't wanna say the word competitors, but just for brevity, I'll use that word. No. Probably not, depending on your market. But at that that time, yes, that was one distinction. That was a point of scale. The second point of scale for me at that time was around pricing, and I made a pricing adjustment and put my prices up, which coincided with this up level and branding in my business. And those two things were the key that then allowed me to make that shift into 6 figures. And I think the previous year, it might have been around 70 to 80,000. So that was my example.

For one client, her body of work was is a point of leverage for her. Landing that and then creating a new offer. So offer being her second point of leverage, which was a practitioner training. This has up leveled her business and scooted her straight into multi six figures where now it's more than likely she would be having, yeah, 250,000. 

Another client, it was around systems. So this client really needed to refine the systems in her business as well. She did a lot of work on her body of work, her signature framework, and her thought leadership. It was also around creating new offers. It was also around pricing adjustments. So you can hear in this example, there were multiple points of scale. So how stuck do you think that client was? Well, probably quite stuck. Okay? So the more points of scale that you are identifying, that's the more opportunities that you are opening up. And that's where you're wanting to sequence those in a really strategic way. Because where do you begin? That's one of the things that you have to really think about.

For another client, it's also been around her body of work, getting really clear on her place in the market. And connected to that, another point of scale for her is around her network and really putting time and energy into that as well as refining her marketing. Really looking at the platforms that she is wanting to make a mark on and coming back to the body of work. Like, what is her distinct thought leadership that she's wanting to convey through that those marketing channels. So it's interesting. For this client, some of the other pieces around the marketing are very, very strong. But there was this gap that we were able to identify.

What I really see is the transformation that you're going through here is that of moving from amateur to professional. And we don't wanna move to professional too early on. So let's just say you're listening to this and you're like, oh my gosh. Like, I am just getting started or I do my business very part time. I've got a lot of other considerations in my life and other responsibilities. Like, do I need to work through and become pro at these things? No. It's fine to be an amateur. And to actually be a little bit scrappy and to try things, you've really gotta get good at attracting clients in whatever way ends up working for you in a way that can be sustainable. And you don't need to be a pro to do that.

Sometimes what I've seen over the years, if you're trying to go pro too early, that could look like really good marketing on the front end. So you might go onto this person's social media feed, for example, and you're like, they look so slick. And they're doing all of the right things. They've got amazing reels. And they're so consistent. Like, they are nailing it. But they're really pro in that area, but actually, they don't have hardly any clients. Well, they're not making hardly any sales of their courses.

Maybe they've gone pro too early, and they haven't been done that scrappy thing of actually talking to people, doing the market research, determining if there is demand for what it is that they're wanting to create. Building an audience with people who are willing to buy what it is that they create.

This is where we really wanna be able to time this, but I feel like as you're moving towards 6 figures, that's really the time where this blueprint can click in and really help you. It doesn't mean you can't benefit from it at an earlier stage, but I would just listen to it, take it in, and use it as a way to dream bigger, to look into the future, and what it is that you might desire to create in the future. But I would focus on your business foundations at those earlier stages.

So remember, you can access this training by signing up at alignandattract.com/scale.

I really encourage you to go through the training, and I would love to hear what you decide your key points of scale are, and then perhaps the key point of scale that you are going to focus on next and the actions that you are going to take, and I would love to cheer you on. If you enjoyed this episode, please do share it with a friend.

Do not forget to sign up for my scale blueprint training. You can get that at alignandattract.com/scale.


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