Episode 126 A+A Podcast: Reiki Healing for Uncertainty

Reiki Healing for Uncertainty

If you are feeling some uncertainty, doubt, fear or worry at the moment - you're definitely not alone. Focusing on how to navigate the paradigm shift we're in and evolve your business when SO much might feel uncertain - that can definitely bring up Your Stuff. Feeling all of this - I was guided to facilitate a Reiki healing for you today to shift out of a space of feeling uncertain into the energy of certainty:


You might know exactly what you need to do in your business.

At this time that answer might be: evolve your business to better meet the needs of your clients in today's energies. But just KNOWING what to do is NOT the same as doing it. Instead of going ahead and making changes - you might feel stuck, triggered, lost, confused, overwhelmed - unable to take much effective action at all.

This is where I see healing work to become essential in supporting you in your business. Deeper than working on your mindset, energy healing work can really support you to come back into your authentic power so you can feel clear and objective, connect to your truth, make better decisions and then take aligned actions.

Join me for this short Reiki healing and let the magic unfold. After you've shifted your energy - that's when you can make better decisions about your next steps. You can listen on your fave platform and subscribe from here

I have two fab new options to support you in taking those steps

One is to get you moving and getting some quick wins and the other is for you if you're ready to step up as the leader you are. You know you need to evolve your business but you feel stuck or overwhelmed and want help to really land what it is that you do and how that supports your clients to create the results they want - because you KNOW that clarity is power and that with clarity you'll feel motivated and energised - and move forward.

  • Income Increase Workshop - I'm running this low-cost workshop on Wednesday 12th June at 2:30pm Melbourne/Sydney time. I first ran this workshop in 2022 when cost of living pressures started to hit and this is a fresh version for 2024. We look at four options for increasing your income with lots of specific, practical examples. This is for you if you're feeling a bit stuck, want some quick wins and to move into action and the price point is super supportive if you're keeping a tight eye on your expenses. Join me here: http://alignandattract.com/increase
  • Catalyse Your Paradigm Shift - If you want to get super clear on exactly how you do support your clients to create the kinds of outcomes they now desire - I can help you get really clear on that in one 90 min session. I take what feels like a mess in your brain of "I'm not sure," "but I can do so many things," "I don't even know how I do get client results" etc (I've heard it all!) and sort it all out for you into a clear signature framework. We'll then look at how you might refine or create an offer based on your framework - and communicate that with your clients. Of course we'll do some healing work too if that's what's needed to get you clear. This is for you if you have an established service-based business and know you need to make some changes but don't know where to start. This is a GREAT place to start - truly. Book in here: http://alignandattract.com/private-sessions

Here's what Gulara did - and yes, you can get this level of clarity too.

“I had an idea for my signature practitioner training for a while but it felt like a mess in my head - lots of moving pieces which I wasn't sure how to organise. I knew that Kerry would be able to help me nail it in just one session and she did!

I went from the seedling of an idea into a full-blown programme that feels perfect, natural and logical for both me and my clients.

Kerry helped me to get clarity on all the sticky points that kept me stuck, such as the length of the programme, price point and building blocks.

She led me through a process that helped me to crystallize the very essence of what I offer and from there putting it all together was no brainer. The first client who I showed my training to said a resounding 'yes' and bought it straightaway.”

Gulara Vincent, PhD, Relationship & Trauma Healing Coach, www.gularavincent.co.uk

I always love to hear the insights these podcast eps spark for you. Share your experience with the Reiki or jump across to ask me questions on Instagram.


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