Unfreeze + Thrive - two powerful sessions with Kerry
Can you resonate with the idea of being in a bit of survival mode in your business?
Like you can't relax, even when things are going well?
Perhaps you started your business during a time of acute stress (money or otherwise), or you have experienced a big shock, personal setback, relationship crisis, grief, ill health, money contraction, or the pandemic had a big impact on your business.
You went into a kind of survival mode and perhaps worked hard (fight mode) to keep your business going. This may have worked to some degree to keep you safe - but now it's time to come out of that energy - and thrive.
Signs you might still be in a kind of survival mode include:
- Finding it difficult/slow to take the actions you want to take, overthinking and going in circles (freeze)
- Noticing it's hard to plan ahead or think about the future (freeze)
- Not sure what you want - wait and see energy (freeze)
- Needing to know something will definitely *work* before you proceed (freeze)
- Fantasising about burning your business down or getting a job (flight) - but not in a rational, logical way
- Watching your bank accounts more than you're taking action to fill them (freeze)
- Holding back from promoting your work as much as you could in case people don't like it (fawn - people pleasing)
- You have had a bad client experience or two and it has totally knocked you (fawn/freeze)
- Always feeling like you have to do more and work harder to grow (fight) even though you know it's not sustainable and you may go into burn out
Imagine flowing with life again. Acknowledging and gaining completion around what happened and how it sent you into fight, flight, fawn (people-pleasing) and freeze mode in a business context.
We will use gentle energy processes like acupressure for each of these states to initiate a gentle unthawing process - you can unfreeze at your own pace and thrive in your own way and timing.
How will this work?
There are two workshops for Unfreeze + Thrive. You receive the recordings as soon as you sign up:
1 - Unfreeze
In call 1, we focused on the "unfreeze". We looked at what caused you to go into survival mode - could be multiple things. We go through processes to help you gently and safely release stuck fight, flight, fawn (people pleasing) and freeze modes.
2 - Thrive
In call 2, I'll invited you to dream... bigger. And feel into what thriving is for you. You are invited to dream new dreams, to believe in yourself more deeply again, to trust in yourself and in life. We do an advanced visualisation where you plant a stake in the ground for your new dreams.
I just *know* that magic is going to flow from this experience.
"I was sitting in a space of ‘freeze’ when I saw Kerry’s ‘Unfreeze + Thrive’ offer come through on an email, so it was a no-brainer to sign up (a moment of ‘Unfreeze’, in itself!!)
Over two sessions I learned so much about what was keeping me in flight, fight, freeze and fawn mode, and a discovered a new approach to shifting this in order to thrive.
Kerry’s energy is beautiful. Her calm, generous and joyful nature shines through on her calls. I felt included, important and like I was in very safe hands. She is highly intuitive, even in a group of people. Highly recommended." Beck
Please note: if you're in actual survival mode and struggling to function or pay your bills, this workshop is not for you. This workshop is not a quick fix and it is not a substitute for therapy to deal with trauma. This workshop is best if you have some experience in energy practices so you can support yourself with emotions that may come up. I do not know if you'll make (more) money because you do this workshop so please don't join if you are in an acute financial position.
If you are in a safe, stable place and feel drawn to this workshop - it will be a joy to work with you in this way. My intention is that it will be gentle and nurturing. We are not seeking dramatic change that could destabilise you, or to disrupt what is working in your business. Instead we are seeking to gently unfreeze so you can move forward at your own pace.