Business Energetics 3 Day Challenge


Let's create energetic separation between you and your business so you AND your business can grow, expand and thrive.

DAY 1 - Tues 2nd July - Your Energy - Let's get you feeling incredible

DAY 2 - Wed 3rd July - The Energy of Your Business - Let's bring in more attraction energy

DAY 3 - Thurs 4th July - You + Your Business - Let's create healthy separation so you can thrive - and so can your business

TIME: 9:30am each day Melb/Bris/Sydney - convertThere will be replays.

This is for you if you're a heart-centred business owner who is ready to achieve that next level success which has eluded you til now. We'll set up the energetic foundations that will support your expansion. This is the work you haven't yet done that can make ALL the difference.

Ready to get you and your business feeling light, energised and magnetic?

Join us!

This Challenge will take place inside a dedicated Facebook group. You'll receive the link to join upon sign up.

What might you be experiencing that could make this incredibly beneficial?

You might feel:

  • You only experience growth when you push and work hard - but that's not sustainable for you.
  • Business works best when your own energy is high - but you don't know how to keep it high. 
  • Enmeshed - You and your business are one and the same. If business is good - you feel good! If business is bad - you feel bad.
  • Drained - You can feel drained after working with clients.
  • Guilty if you're not working - it just feels better to work.
  • Constantly worried about your business - but you're not objective or clear about changes you might need to make.

During this challenge, you'll have the opportunity to create a real shift in your energy, and set up a dynamic between you and your business that feels more sustainable and healthy for you.

What will we cover?

DAY 1 - Your Energy

I'll guide to look at and work with your own energy field. There might be some repair or healing work to do and I'll support you in that. We'll bring in additional protection and uplift your energy. We'll discuss the qualities that you can infuse into your energy field and how to do that.

DAY 2 - The Energy of Your Business

Today, we'll focus on your business. We'll ensure your business has its own energetic structure + field which is separate to yours. We'll clean up the energetic boundaries of your business and release any stuck energy. We'll also increase the magnetism of your business to attract more clients.

DAY 3 - You + Your Business

Today is all about the relationship you have with your business - and how to ensure it is healthy and flowing. I'll guide you to set up a space to hold and elevate the energy of your business. We'll look at how you and your business can work together to achieve your goals.

I'll be with you in this process, guiding you to set up these Business Energetics to support your own energy and the growth of your business.

I can't wait to do this work with you. Join us!


This Challenge will take place inside a dedicated Facebook group. You'll receive the link to join upon sign up.